
Sarawak Pineapple

  • Super fresh fruit
  • Rough
  • pleasant bittersweet taste
  • Freshly picked
  • 4-5 days
  • Malaysia

Product details of Sarawak Pineapple

Usage Instructions: Using the Sarawak pineapple to make jam is not only the easiest thing to do but, it also will last longer than storing the fruit. To begin you will first need to choose the right type of pineapple for your jam. A great option would be to go for the Sarawak pineapple. This uniquely fragrant fruit has the right amount of sweetness that will make your jam healthier than just adding sugar. If your Sarawak pineapple is unripe, it is advised to place the fruit close to a window that has sunlight coming through. This sunlight will help the Sarawak pineapple ripen and get sweeter.

Now, comes the part that most of us dread about purchasing a pineapple. The peeling step can be confusing for those who have never been exposed to the Sarawak pineapple. However, similar to any other pineapple out there, the Sarawak pineapple can be easily peeled with a sharp paring knife. It’s best to use a sharp knife as the skin of the Sarawak pineapple can be rather thick and hard to peel sometimes. While peeling the Sarawak pineapple, be sure to remove the eye of the pineapples as they are known to cause tiny cuts on the surface of your tongue.

Once done, go ahead and cut the Sarawak pineapple into discs before cutting them into cubes. It’s best to cut the cubes of Sarawak pineapple as small as possible as this will shorten the jam-making process. Next, place a large enough pot on the stove and add ? cup of sugar, molasses, or honey to ½ a cup of water. This sticky goodness will heighten the flavor profiles of the Sarawak pineapple jam. Next, throw in the pieces of the Sarawak pineapple and allow to cook at low fire for 1-2 hours. Once finished, you will need to let the Sarawak pineapple jam cool down before you can use it to make tarts or cakes. If you’re planning to keep the Sarawak pineapple jam for another day, simply, place the balance of the pineapple jam in an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator or the chiller.

Certifications & PracticesAs a company that supplies fresh fruits and vegetables to any part of the world, Super Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Enterprise has ensured that the Sarawak pineapple has established certifications or practices deemed satisfactory by consumers.

JAKIM Halal Certificate: The Halal certificate is an accreditation granted by the Department of Islamic Development in Malaysia. This certificate is awarded to the Sarawak pineapple for its compliance with the standards and practices deemed permissible by the Syariah law (Islamic law). Upon comprehensive audits conducted by representatives of JAKIM, the Sarawak pineapple has been given the seal of approval to be eaten by Muslims around the globe.

Storage InstructionsStoring the Sarawak pineapple can be a little tricky depending on whether you’re storing the pineapple whole or cut into pieces. Overall, the Sarawak pineapple will keep well better without being cut. In fact, a whole Sarawak pineapple will keep fresh for up to 3 days depending on how ripe or unripe the fruit is.

Packaging: Much like any other wholesaler, all the Sarawak pineapples are packed in crates, boxes, or cardboard boxes. This is done to ensure the freshness of all the available fruits in Super Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, including the Sarawak pineapple. As the name of the company suggests the main purpose of Super Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Enterprise is to make sure that all deliveries of the Sarawak pineapple reach their destination still fresh to be enjoyed by everyone.

Sarawak Pineapple Overview

Sarawak has become a leading country in producing a number of things including the exporting of the Sarawak pineapple. Known as one of the top exporters of pineapple in Malaysia next to Johor, the Sarawak pineapple is steadily becoming a favorite in many corners of the world. Expected to soon surpass the popularity of the Johor pineapple, the Sarawak pineapple is truly a fruit that is versatile and healthy.

Commonly used to tenderize meat and poultry the Sarawak pineapple is also perfect for adding to marinates. In fact, the Sarawak pineapple has a sweeter note than the average pineapple you would find in your local farmers market. Jam-packed with vitamins and nutrients, the Sarawak pineapple is also great in cocktails and juices. However, if you’re planning to use the Sarawak pineapple to make yourself a pick-me-up drink, it is best to use a juicer. Using a juicer for the Sarawak pineapple will help your remove the fiber often found within the fruit. So you won’t have to worry about your guests choking on the hair-like fibers.

Finally, when choosing the right Sarawak pineapple in your farmers market, you want to choose a fruit that has a yellowish coloring at the base of the pineapple. If it’s green, it’s best to stay away as this fruit will definitely need more time to ripen.

Super Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Enterprise Company Overview

Super Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Enterprise is a company that focuses solely on distributing fresh fruits and vegetables to consumers throughout Malaysia and other parts of the world. The company at present supplies a wide range of fruits such as the Sarawak pineapple and so much more from different parts of the world for the sole purpose of catering to a wider circle of clients.

Sarawak Pineapple Specifications



 Fruit Salad, Cakes, Jams, Tarts



 Shelf Life:

 5 to 7 days depending on whether storing whole or cut

Shipping Details
As a company that looks forward to building good relationships with clients, all the Sarawak pineapples are packed with the freshest quality possible. In fact, all purchases of the Sarawak pineapple are bubble wrapped and packed in brown corrugated cardboard boxes. Once done, the delivery team ensures that all packages of the Sarawak pineapple are wrapped in a plastic film before heading for delivery.

>Super Fresh Fruits And Vegetable Enterprise

Super Fresh Fruits And Vegetable Enterprise

  • Malaysia
  • Malaysia
  • Business Type
  • Distributor/Wholesaler
  • Membership
    • Gold Supplier
    • Gold Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
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