Retro Carnation Bouquet | Online KL Bouquet
Are you looking for online bouquet order for this coming Mother's Day? Online bouquets can be ordered now from our online bouquet florist, Days Floral with unique and attractive flower arrangements! Consult us for further info and design.
Carnations of different colors bring different meanings. Choose the best color of carnations that suits for your expression. Write some wording to express your gratitude and love to your mother!
What Are Those Meaning For Carnations With Different Colors?
Red Carnation:
Red usually used to symbolize admiration. Crimson carnations usually represent affection and love. Pale red carnations represent: "I admire and love you".
Pink Carnation:
Pink carnation usually represents gratitude. Pink carnations symbolize a mother's eternal love. Pink carnations are one of the most popular flowers in the world and have many traditional meanings, including mother's love, remembrance, perfect happiness and gratitude.
White Carnation:
White carnations symbolize purity, which is expected from most white flowers, but they can also symbolize good luck. White carnations represent pure feelings and are traditional good luck gifts for women.
They are suitable for almost any occasion as they symbolize dignity and love. These days people usually give away on Mother's Day or Mom's birthday.
The second week of Sunday in May is Mother's Day. Let pre-order Mother's Day flowers for my mother in advance! Mother plays an important role in our life. It is very important to reserve a Mother's Day gift for her. Sending flowers with sincere appreciation to your mother be sure a big surprise and happiness that will be sent as well to your mother.
The design is fixed at a fixed price and this beautiful arrangement of flowers suits all occasions, especially great for Mother’s Day. If you want your floral bouquet to be special and customized, click here to learn more about our floral arrangement services.
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Not only mother days, as long as you want to send a thankful expression to mother, but we can always do for you. Just make an order for us! Buy bouquet, at Days Floral.
If you have special requirements for online bouquet order, bouquet flower arrangement, bouquets with cake delivery, etc, do not hesitate to contact us now!
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