
Purigene Classic Puri Gold - 750ml

  • Purigene products
  • Liquid
  • Sweets
  • Rich in tumeric
  • 750 Millilitre
  • 6 Months
  • Selangor
  • Malaysia

Product details of Purigene Classic Puri Gold - 750ml

Usage: This herbal tonic needs to be opened carefully when you receive it. Similar to other products in the market, this turmeric drink makes an appearance with a packaged box; the delivery box may come with bubble wraps to protect the Tumeric juice as it is made of glass, you need to carefully unpack the glass bottle out of the package. Later, you can store the gold 750 ml drink in your fridge to cool it. You may utilize your purigene puri gold drink for later. To open the drink, you need to break the seal with sharp objects such as scissors or a knife. Moving on, you may use your dominant hand and twist to the other side to drink your turmeric herbal tonic. This ginger drink will last you for 6 months.
Certification: Upon the formation of our company, we have auspiciously obtained the Halal JAKIM certification. Our purigene puri gold products are safe for our Muslim consumers. 
  1. Halal JAKIM Certification: We have been verified by JAKIM to be certified Halal. We have done the necessary steps that are required to obtain this certification. Our purigene puri gold is safe to be consumed by our Muslim customers.
Feature: Our purigene puri gold is a herbal tonic, with its prominent taste being turmeric; this indicates that our drink is rich in turmeric, as it is the main ingredient. Tumeric has a lot of benefits and it can do wonders for our bodies. They are also very popular in this day and age as a dietary supplement for many health conditions such as arthritis, digestive problems, respiratory infections, liver disease, and even depression. And as many might be aware, they are a common spice and the main component in curry powder. Our purigene puri gold’s main ingredient is turmeric, hence, offering these benefits to our consumers.
Net Weight/Unit: Our purigene puri gold weighs 750 millilitres and 25 ounces.
Shelf-Life: Similar to many other products in the market out there, we also offer shelf life for our purigene puri gold. A “shelf life” gives the meaning of the length of time, in which you can anticipate a product to appear and take measures as expected, and stay safe for use. The length of time fluctuates, depending on the type of product, how it’s utilized, and how to store the products. Our purigene puri gold‘s shelf life will last you for 6 months. It is also best if you store the turmeric drink in your fridge, to keep it fresh.

Purigene Puri Gold Overview

Over decades, most people on this planet understand and acknowledge that turmeric is important and able to offer everyone tremendous health benefits. The first possible benefits of turmeric are that it’s capable of controlling your bowel movements (in a good way). Tumeric can improve your bowel movements by expanding the assembly of bile within the gallbladder as well as our other digestive enzymes. Tumeric aids with lessening the feature of bloating; it can also help crank up your metabolism. When your metabolism system is in a good shape, this condition will make it easier for your body to lose weight. Our purigene puri gold’s main ingredient is turmeric, hence it will aid in your bowel movements.
Secondly, one of the significant contributions of turmeric is it can stave off heart diseases; heart diseases are caused by cholesterol accumulating and then becoming higher within our system. Turmeric is recognized as a component that is capable of lowering your cholesterol level, as well as upgrading the lining of blood vessels. Tumeric can also help manage blood clotting and blood pressure. Our purigene puri gold drink will surely offer this benefit for you, with the implementation of turmeric as its main ingredient.
Moving on, the significant turmeric benefits are that they can revamp skin health. Turmeric is familiar to cleanse the blood as it aids in detaching toxins. The antioxidants available within the turmeric aid in saving the cells from damage, brightening the skin tone, and slackening the ageing process; turmeric water is also ideal to help the skin to become more radiant and appears healthier. Our purigene puri gold drink can offer this benefit.   
Furthermore, our purigene puri gold beverage contains turmeric, ginger, honey, garlic, and apple cider. All of these ingredient lists contain their very own benefits.

About Purigene Sdn Bhd

A thing or two about us, we strive to indoctrinate people, as well as come up with solutions to improve and strengthen the human immune system. The conceptualization of our company arrives from the inclination of our founders to bring out healthy foods, that will aid in individual health. The goal of our products is to develop and aggrandize the health of our consumers from copious pollution.
We are Malaysia centred organization with founders who have 40 years of understanding of food studies and development, assembling and advertising of a few infamous brands in Malaysia.   
We made it our mission to manufacture high-end products for our consumers. We made it our mission to establish only fresh and high-quality materials within our productions.

Purigene Puri Gold’s Specification:

  1. The texture for our purigene puri gold beverage is liquid.   
  2. Our purigene puri gold has a sweet taste, due to the honey.   
  3. Tumeric can be founded within our purigene puri gold beverage.   
  4. Our purigene puri gold weighs 750 millilitres with 25 ounces.   
  5. The shelf life for our purigene puri gold is 6 months.   
  6. You are recommended to consume purigene puri gold for only 25 ml maximum per day.   
  7. Our purigene puri gold contains turmeric, honey, ginger, garlic, and apple cider. 

>Purigene Sdn Bhd

Purigene Sdn Bhd

  • Malaysia
  • Malaysia
  • Business Type
  • Manufacturer,Distributor/Wholesaler
  • Membership
    • Gold Supplier
    • Gold Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
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