
Mixed Salad RTE Pack

  • Asia Pacific Vegetables
  • Crunchy
  • Ready to eat
  • 300 Gram
  • 4-5 Days
  • Malaysia

Product details of Mixed Salad RTE Pack

Usage: The mixed salad pack can be consumed fresh from the packaging. However, several precautionary steps must be taken if it was frozen instead of refrigerated. Begin by letting the packaged mixed salad soften and thaw for 8 to 12 hours overnight inside the refrigerator. You are strongly advised against taking a shortcut for this procedure as attempting to speed up the salad defrosting process may lead to sickness in the near future such as foodborne illness after consuming it. Storing the mixed leaf salad in the freezer may cause internal packaging frost to build up. Moisture from the built-up frost melted at room temperature or hot water can cause bacteria growth to speed up significantly. Harmful bacteria such as E. coli found in green leaves could cause severe health problems if improperly stored mixed leaf salad is consumed. After inspecting and ensuring that the mixed salad pack does not contain mould, discoloration, odd smells, or weird tastes, it can be eaten straight out of the packaging in a salad bowl or included in another recipe. 
If you are just beginning to integrate packed mixed vegetables into your diet for its nutrients, several recipes can make the dish more appetizing and flavorful to ease it into your everyday meals. Firstly, several dressings that should match well with your salad like thousand island and French dressing. These will add a savory taste to a rather bland and minty meal. To add depth to the texture of the mixed salad pack, it is easy to use them as an ingredient for every day servings. Packed mixed salad is a great ingredient to add to your tortilla wraps. As you use minced beef or stripped chicken as the core of your wrap’s flavor, add the mixed salad pack into the wrap’s fillings before folding your tortilla and burning where the two ends of the tortilla meet. This will add a crispy and crunchy texture to the chewy and soft texture of the dish fillings.
Certificate: Asia Pacific Vegetables products have acquired three different certificates that signify their products are of high quality and safe for consumers to eat. The three certificates that they have achieved are:
  1. Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI):  Food manufacturers that have acquired this certificate have adopted strict requirements set by MeSTI in operation control, maintenance, record-keeping, and hygiene. Only with this certificate can a manufacturer apply for JAKIM’s halal certificate.

  2. JAKIM Halal Certificate: Acquiring a Halal certificate from JAKIM, the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia, indicates that their products are compliant with shariah standards, and do not contain non-halal ingredients in the entirety of their manufacturing process. Furthermore, this Halal certificate is recognized internationally by many countries’ respective Islamic departments.

  3. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP): To achieve the approval of HACCP, the handling of raw ingredients is controlled and managed in a way that food safety is ensured according to their standards.
Packaging: Each unit of mixed salad pack weighs 300g(10.58oz). Each pack can be served into about 3 to 4 dishes to your liking. Suitable to be sold to supermarket customers refrigerated or to be used in cafes or restaurants in salad bars and main dishes. The minimum order for this product is negotiable.
Storing: It is recommended to keep the mixed packed salad in a refrigerator under 5°C (41°F) to achieve its maximum shelf life of 4 to 5 days. However, it can be slightly lengthened by keeping it in freezing temperatures below 0°C (32°F) although it is not advised. A lengthy procedure must be properly followed when consumption of mixed veggies is intended after being kept in freezing temperatures to avoid food poisoning. After all, eating nutritious food would be pointless if you are poisoned in the process.

Asia Pacific Vegetables Mixed Salad RTE Pack Overview

Vegetables are often labeled as an important aspect of our daily lives. According to the food pyramid, vegetables make up for the majority of the food portion that should be consumed daily along with grains. Although the specific amount may be subject to individual differences and needs, it is no stranger that vegetables provide a significant portion of our nutritional needs. Hence, a great way to include them is through this packed mixed vegetables by Asia Pacific Vegetables. Rich in vitamins, fibre, antioxidants, and potassium among others from the lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red onion, cabbage, olive, and golden berries, it is perfect for those who are looking to better their lifestyle, lose weight, and aim for a healthier future, it’s the perfect way to start including the greens in your daily nourishment. It is also a more diverse option compared to the baby spring mix. Start by having the mixed packed veggies in your breakfast sandwiches and include them in your lunch’s fried rice, you’ll be enjoying the mixed salad packs on their own in no time.

About Asia Pacific Vegetables Sdn. Bhd.

Asia Pacific Vegetables Sdn. Bhd. is a company that supplies Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) that are ready to eat or cooked for commercial and industrial use. Providing a wide-ranging variety of choices in vegetables, customers are free to mix and match the products to their liking and nutritional needs. 

Product Details of Asia Pacific Vegetables Mixed Salad RTE Pack

  1. Ingredients: Lettuce (such as iceberg, romaine, or spring mix), Cucumber, Cherry tomatoes, Red onion or shallots, Olive, Goldenberry
  2. Packaging: 300g (10.58oz) per unit
  3. Storing Instructions: Keep refrigerated under 5°C (41°F), Avoid freezing the mixed salad pack under 0°C (32°F)
  4. Shelf Life: 4 to 5 days
  5. Minimum Order: Negotiable with supplier

>Asia Pacific Vegetables Trading Sdn Bhd

Asia Pacific Vegetables Trading Sdn Bhd

  • Malaysia
  • Malaysia
  • Business Type
  • Manufacturer
  • Membership
    • Gold Supplier
    • Gold Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
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