
Rico Grape Pudding - 24 Pieces

  • Rico
  • 9556619121243
  • Soft
  • Sweet
  • Ready to eat
  • 40gm x 24pcs x 10pkt
  • 40 Gram
  • Between 9 to 15 months
  • Malaysia

Product details of Rico Grape Pudding - 24 Pieces

Usage: There are several ways that you can enjoy Grape Pudding. The following instructions will guide you on two different grape pudding recipes, having it as it is and one alternative way you can have it.

To begin with, there are two ways to enjoy grape pudding in its purest form. First, after removing the grape jelly from the refrigerator, try slicing the straw-like-looking seal on its end using a pair of tidy, sharp scissors. The second method is that you can simply bite and tear the tip of the seal for it leaving a slightly smaller hole. Using the former style of eating the grape pudding will quickly finish the grape jelly as you are sucking out larger chunks at a quicker pace due to the large opening. Using the latter, however, is the way you have it back in the days after a long day of school, with no scissors, you patiently squeeze the grape-flavored jelly’s body to slowly sip small chunks of it coming out of the small opening, leaving you in a nostalgic embrace of the simpler times.

Another way you can have it is by making it into a popsicle. Find an ice cream mold that can fit the size of the grape-flavored pudding. Then, prepare a jug of grape juice using a cordial. Simply fill about 20% of the jug with cordial and fill the remaining with cold water. After stirring the mixture well until the cordial and cold water has become one, take the grape pudding and poke the middle of it with an ice cream stick. Then, put it inside the ice cream mold and fill the remaining space with grape juice. Leave it inside the freezing compartment of your fridge for about 4 hours and enjoy the grape jelly ice cream, a flavorful and punchy snack to paint your day.

Certification(s) And Mentioning(s): Having made their products meet multiple different organizations to ensure consumers that their products are of high quality, the company has successfully acquired 4 very significant certificates and awards.

  1. Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri: A certificate awarded by the Malaysian Ministry of Health; the company has successfully acquired git by ensuring their production practices result in products that are safe for consumption consistently.

  2. JAKIM Halal Certification: The Halal certificate by the Malaysian Islamic Development Department is a widely accepted halal certificate that is provided to companies that comply with the Shariah standards of food manufacturing, processing, and handling such as refraining from using intoxicating substances and any forms of production or use of non-halal materials.

  3. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certified: Having made their products consistent in every aspect of safety and quality for over a year, the company has been awarded the GMP certificate.

  4. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Certification: This certificate is awarded to the company due to its ability in addressing safety aspects of the entirety of the raw materials used in their fast-moving consumer goods without compromise.

Packaging: Each unit of the grape pudding is about 40g, with 24 pieces that can be found in each packet, and 10 packets are packed per carton. The sweet grape jelly is packed in a purple and translucent plastic packaging, allowing us from the outside to judge the quality of the product before purchasing. Some illustrations of grapes can be found animated on the top and bottom of the packaging. On the top side of the packaging, “grape pudding” is written in a large, white font, with its translation written in a smaller font on the left side of it. Meanwhile, each unit of the grape pudding is packed into translucent grape-shaped packaging, looking similar to a grenade.

Storage Instructions: The manufacturer’s stated shelf life is between 9 to 15 months. To achieve its maximum shelf life, you should keep it at a refrigerated temperature of under 4 degrees Celsius and ensure that it is not exposed to substances that may damage the packaging.

Grape Pudding Overview

Concord can be made that grape is one of the popular flavors of fruit snacks like the strawberry that can be found in multiple different forms such as grape pudding, peanut butter and jelly jam sandwich, a jar of bread spread, ice cream, topping sauce, and even bubble tea drinks. No matter whether you are Japanese, Italian, Arabic, or American, the grape is a loved flavor by all in many cultures leading to grape recipes in a variety of form factors. Furthermore, purple grapes are a nutritious choice of fruit that you should add to your diet as it is. So, stop waiting and try out the purple pudding now!

About Rico Food Industries Sdn Bhd

Established before the turn of the millennium in 1995, Rico Food Industries started as a small company that operates mainly as a trader. Moving on about 3 decades later, the manufacturer now hosts and offering of a wide variety of products ranging from candies, cereals, puddings, and many more. Having supplied for both local and foreign markets the company boasts several certificates including ISO22000, designating that their products are of high-quality standards.

Grape Pudding Specifications

- Origin: Malaysia
- Feature: Ready to Eat
- Packaging:

  1. 40g per unit
  2. 24 pieces per pack
  3. 10 packets per carton

- Shelf Life:

  1. Keep in refrigerating temperatures
  2. Expires 9 to 15 months after manufacturing date

- Certification(s) and mentioning(s):

  1. JAKIM Halal
  2. Makanan Selamat Tanggugnjawab Industri (MeSTI)
  3. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
  4. ISO2200
  5. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

>Rico Food Industries Sdn. Bhd.

Rico Food Industries Sdn. Bhd.

  • Malaysia
  • Malaysia
  • Business Type
  • Manufacturer,Exporter
  • Membership
    • Gold Supplier
    • Gold Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
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