Usage: The banana supply from Frugo Fruit Trading can be purchased by all of customers now. This fruit has the combination of sweet taste with the soft and creamy texture that is guaranteed to please the consumers. Here are the basic steps for you to eat the yellow-colored fruit. The first thing to do whenever you want to consume it is by choosing the ripe ones rather than the unripen ones. How can you tell the difference? Well, the most obvious sign is the color. For a better taste of it, pick the yellow-colored fruit instead of the green-colored fruit as it is sweeter compared to the other.
Then out of a bunch of banana supply from the Frugo Fruit Trading, take one and start peeling it until you see the flesh of the fruit. Go ahead and take a bite of the delicious fruit. Banana is a versatile food to be paired with any other drinks or food as there are a lot of menus that you can try out, such as making smoothies, eating pancakes with it or even deep frying it. Therefore, you can be creative and consume it in any ways that you prefer. However, do not forget to throw away the peel in the trash can as the peel could cause someone to slip and fall on the floor if they step on it.
Storage Instructions: Store this banana supply by putting it in proper places such as on the table or simply hang it. It is estimated that it could last around a week or 7 days in the room temperature. You could also keep it in the refrigerator to make it last longer as placing it in the refrigerator could help it last up to 2 weeks or 14 days. Do consume or sell the supplied bananas within that period of time.
Packaging Information: The banana supply could be a delicate fruit product as it has to be handled with proper care, to avoid any squashed or spoiled bananas. Therefore, to make sure that kind of incident never happens, we would pack it with materials that could protect and hold the product well throughout the whole shipping process. We want to deliver our goods in the best possible way so that our customers could receive the package happily. The net weight of the package is 550 grams (g) or 1.21 pounds (lb.) meanwhile the minimum order and minimum booking are 500 grams (g) or 1.10 pounds (lb.).
Banana is a type of fruit that comes in a few sizes, colors and firmness as there are green bananas, yellow bananas, brown bananas and even more. However, the common point is that it has a unique shape of a curved cylinder. It is grown all around the world in over 100 countries including Asia, which is where this product is sourced from. It is also known as plantains in other countries. There is a significant difference between Frugo Fruit Trading's banana supply and plantains itself. It is sweeter and softer compared to plantains as plantains are less sweet and tougher. This is due to the plantains have a lower content of sugar in it compared to a normal banana.
Moving on to the benefits of eating it, one of the benefits that can be looked at is that it has vitamin B6 that is easily absorbed by the body as a medium-sized banana could provide around a quarter of the daily vitamin B6. By absorbing the vitamin B6, it could help the body to produce cells, maintain a healthy nervous system, remove unwanted chemicals from the liver and kidneys, metabolise amino acids and metabolise carbohydrates and fats, turning them into energy. You can get the banana supply from us today.
Frugo Fruit Trading has been in the market industry for a few years now as the company was created in the year of 2019. They are a company consist of a group of people that is knowledgeable about the fruit and vegetable products which enable them to kickstart the business and market their products to meet the demands of the customers. This could be a tricky thing to do as they would need to keep track of their budget and profit. This is to ensure a good business and profit for the company. Nevertheless, they are a stable company which enabled them to continue their journey in the industry.
Making them a strong company that has a long way to go. Now, they can focus on the opportunity to grow more in the future so that they can achieve the goal of being one of the top companies that supplies fresh local and seasonal fruits and vegetables product in the nation. Frugo Fruit Trading could also potentially market and supply their products on an international level. They just have to maintain the quality of products and services so that they can keep the customers happy and attract new potential customers. From here, we are able to get to know more about the company and the products that they are offering to the customers.
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