
Drummet Ayam / Chicken Drummet - 1kg

  • Original
  • Can be Stored below -18°C
  • 1 Kilogram
  • Halal Certificate by Jakim Malaysia
  • Malaysia

Product details of Drummet Ayam / Chicken Drummet - 1kg

Usage: The procuring of our fresh chicken appears just outside of your doorstep with foam trays and flow wrappers. The flow covering utilises two rolls of film to envelop the sustenances. Alternatively, there is equipment using clamshell casing and multidimensional flexible films to cover the goods; This is an ordinary pack containerload to circumnavigate unappreciated detriment to your commodities. To unclose your chicken drummet, Sharp goods, such as a knife or scissors, will be valuable. 
Drummet chicken can be reveled in any way you want; whether it’s in the form of roasted chicken or any other method of cooking poultry, you are welcome to be creative in curating various recipes for you, your family, and your friends. Easy dishes can be prepared with this ingredient for your special occasions such as birthday parties, new year's celebrations, and many more. 
Stowing our chicken drummet had better be unchallenging; unostentatiously place the drumstick into a clean, dry crucible of your choice at the suggested temperature of below - 18 °C and - 0.4°F. Make sure you securely seal the container to keep the meat away from contamination.  
Certifications and Mentionings: Ayam Proses Segar Alif's advancement gradually brought about the purchasing of qualifications, involving Halal by JAKIM and MeSTI. Furthermore, we have the honour of showcasing the Buatan Malaysia logo along with the logo for Muslim products. The goods we sell, involving our drummet, have been validated by such organizations. 
  1. JAKIM Halal Certification: JAKIM recognized our chicken drummet as halal, revealing the following: our goods are among the finest suppliers in the trade for our Muslim customers.  
  2. Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI) Certification: We can apply for MeSTI accreditation for our chicken in that our commercial food manufacturing firm is innovative.  
  3. Buatan Malaysia Logo: Our chicken drummet is qualified for this emblem, which stands for those that can be stamped on the product packaging.  
  4. Muslim Products logo: This photo, and that can be encountered on product packaging, is a trademark for our uncooked meat.  
Net Weight / Unit: After diminishing the final size of each group, what emerges will be the food goods' population proportion, which matches the regulated restricted number of the dietary given facet in a safe-for-consumption box. When the various parts are forced together using little financial media connection, the tiny creatures in a container get assigned a stated weight, also referred to as a depleted weight. The net weight of our chicken drummet is 1 kg (35.274 ounces).   

Overview of Chicken Drummet  

The most widely used kind of poultry on our planet is chicken. Chicken meat (generally referred to as "chicken") and chicken eggs are becoming widespread across several cuisines attributed to the ease and cheap cost of raising poultry in contrast with other mammals which include cattle or hogs.  
Chicken can be eaten, grilled, barbecued, fried, or braised. Prepared chicken has proven to be a fast-food constant since the second half of the last century. Chicken is sometimes thought to be cleaner than red meat due to the fact it carries less cholesterol-laden and oily fat.  
The poultry farming company, that is responsible for chicken fabrication, includes many shapes surrounding all over the world. Chickens in advanced nations are typically trained in intensive farming methods, yet chickens in less developed areas are raised through more conventional farming techniques.   
since dampness is lost throughout cooking, raw chicken keeps its quality longer than fresh in the fridge. The nutrient content of chicken does not alter significantly during freezer storage. However, for optimum quality, the uncooked whole chicken should be stored in the freezer for 12 months, uncooked chicken parts for 9 months, uncooked chicken giblets for 3 to 4 months, and cooked chicken for 4 months. Freezing does not typically cause colour changes in poultry, but the bones and meat near them can darken. When frozen and thawed poultry flesh, pigment seeps through the porous bones into the surrounding tissues, resulting in bone darkening.  
It is safe to freeze the chicken in its original packaging, but because this form of wrap is permeable to the air, the quality may deteriorate over time. Overwrapping these packages is therefore suggested for long-term storage. It is suggested that unopened vacuum packages be frozen in their entirety. If a package is torn or opened while the food is still frozen, the food is still safe to use, but it is still suggested to overwrap or rewrap it. Chicken should be kept separate from other foods so that its fluids do not drip onto other foods as they thaw. If previously frozen chicken is bought from a retail store, it can be refrozen if properly handled.  

Specification for Chicken Drummet:


  1. Stowing our chicken drummet had better be unchallenging; unostentatiously place the drumstick into a clean, dry crucible of your choice at the suggested temperature of below - 18 °C and - 0.4°F.   
  2. Make sure you securely seal the container to keep the meat away from contamination.  
  3. Ayam Proses Segar Alif's advancement gradually brought about the purchasing of qualifications, involving Halal by JAKIM and MeSTI.   
  4. Furthermore, we have the honour of showcasing the Buatan Malaysia logo along with the logo for Muslim products.   
  5. The net weight of our chicken drummet is 1 kg (35.274 ounces). 

>Ayam Proses Segar Alif

Ayam Proses Segar Alif

  • Malaysia
  • Malaysia
  • Business Type
  • Manufacturer
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    • Gold Supplier
    • Gold Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
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