Bee Plus combines the nutritional benefits of bee pollen, propolis and royal jelly in a 3-in-1 package. It is unusually rich in protein, folic acid, vitamin C and K as well as B vitamins. It also contains essential fatty acids and essential amino acids.
Promotes the development of brain cells and strengthens the functions of the central nervous system, thus regulating the nervous system. Improves memory and concentration. Alleviates anaemia, insomnia, headaches. Nourishes skin, reduces acne, dark spots and freckles. Fosters hormonal balance. Increases stamina and endurance Eliminates fatigue. Promotes healthy hair growth. Brain Food A bee needs to pollinate about 500 flowers to produce a pollen cone of 4.2-10.7 mg. It is because bees consume pollen, they possess powerful endurance and stamina. For this reason, Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus gave the name pollen (meaning “strong, abundant vitality” in Latin) to this food of the bees in 1860.The name captures the essence of pollen. Its amino acid content and proportion is closest to the amino acid profile recommended by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO).