Falahain Holdings Sdn Bhd is a fully Bumiputera Malay company registered under the companies commission of Malaysia (SSM) with registration number 1293813-P and has been operating since 4 September 2018. The company has been named falahain which means "Two Successes" which is the success of this world and the hereafter.
Falahain Holdings Sdn Bhd started as the sole proprietorship company with the name Falahain Collection in 2002 with only 2 employees. Falahain Collection has been in operation for 16 years and is thriving to upgrade as a SDN BHD company with 21 employees comprising administrative, marketing and operations divisions.
Falahain Holding Sdn Bhd provides bulk and wholesale sewing services (corporate shirts, school t-shirts, kurta, brackets and so on), embroidery, print on clothes and rental of the seminar hall. In addition, we also supply our own products such as masks and nurses' shirts. In addition, we also opened a training academy run by our own company especially in the field of sewing and entrepreneurship so as to give the public the opportunity to acquire skills. In turn, to produce competent and competitive Entrepreneurs.
Falahain Holding Sdn Bhd has a well-organized business plan and strives to become a well-developed and well-known business. In addition, strive to expand business throughout Malaysia in order to boost the economy and reputation of Muslims.
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